KHD Technology Summit 2016 – Goa, India

KHD successfully concluded its fourth Indian Technology Summit in Goa, India last month. Intense technology discussions from 88 participants representing 33 cement companies across India, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka set the backdrop for the summit. Discussions centered the around the important topics of Energy, Efficiency and Environment. Participants shared their experiences, challenges and expectations from KHD, in helping them achieve global benchmarks in these areas. Industry leaders, decision makers and technical teams from all major Indian cement producers enriched the lively dialogue and workshops at the two-day event.

Industry experts held presentations on some the most pressing issues in the Indian cement industry. KHD team members from India and Germany, including Group Management Board Members Daniel Uttelbach and Juergen Luckas led compelling presentations on KHD’s way forward, NOx abatement, optimal operational parameters as well as new energy-efficient grinding systems, using KHD’s market-leading roller press technology. In line with KHD’s now 160-year history of developing breakthrough products, the KHD team also gave a preview on some of its latest technological developments. Participants also gained insight on KHD’s wide range of plant services as well as how they can upgrade and modernize their plants to achieve more efficiency and output.

The event marked another milestone. Ashok Dembla took over from Christoffer Ribbing as Managing Director of KHD’s Indian operations. Mr. Dembla is no stranger to KHD and played a key role in building the Indian organization until 2009. In his opening remarks he noted “It is great to be back and to see so many familiar faces. To succeed in the future, we will strongly focus on customer orientation and implementing the latest technology available on the market.”

“The customer feedback that we received after the summit has been overwhelmingly positive”, notes Mr. PVR Murthy, KHD’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Account Management in India. “Many customers have written to tell us how much they appreciated our hospitality, combined with well-organized knowledge-sharing sessions” noted Mr. Murthy, who co-moderated the Summit. One customer commented “It was a remarkable experience and definitely gave some insight for increasing the efficiency, optimizing energy and giving thrust to the productivity of all cement organizations.”

KHD has recorded all customer ideas, expectations and conclusions from the various workshops and has already started working on answers and following up with customers.

This was the first of a series of four KHD Technology Summits. Other Technology Summits will be held in Iran, Turkey and South America later in the year.

KHD would like to thank everyone who participated in the Technology Summit and looks forward to seeing you at future KHD events!

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