KHD Wins New Contract in Turkey: Limak Bati Group Expands Trakya Kiln Line I to 2,500 tpd

Humboldt Wedag, Germany, a member of KHD-Group, signed a contract with the Limak Bati Group, in Turkey, to supply engineering and equipment for a kiln line capacity increase from 1,820 tpd to 2,500 tpd of clinker, at their Trakya cement plant.

Limak’s Trakya cement plant is located in Pinarhisar, in the Thracian region of Turkey. The plant began operation in 1970, with a capacity of 840 tpd of clinker. The first upgrade was completed in the 1990’s, resulting in an increased production capacity of 1,820 tpd of clinker. KHD services for this expansion project will include engineering, design, as well as supply and supervision for erection and commissioning. Start-up of the plant expansion by KHD is scheduled for the beginning of 2014.

The Trakya Kiln Line I expansion will incorporate state-of-the-art technology from KHD, including following new core components:

  • New KHD cyclones to replace existing IHI cyclones
  • New cyclone 4 for existing KHD preheater
  • ID-fan for new preheater
  • PYROCLON®-R calciner, equipped with PYROTOP® compact mixing chamber, tertiary air duct, and PYROBOX® calciner firing system
    Kiln inlet chamber and seals

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KHD Annual General Meeting set for October 5th

As previously announced, KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG (KHD) will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Cologne on October 5th. On August 20th, the KHD supervisory board approved the AGM agenda, which was published today (convening notice incl. agenda). During the same meeting the supervisory board decided to re-activate the search for a CFO.

New project in Turkey

As already reported in the media, KHD partner AVIC has signed an agreement with Sonmez Holding for a new project in Adana, Turkey. KHD is the preferred partner for pyro-processing equipment, which , when ordered, will have a value in the single digit millions (EUR).

All objectives achieved

In December 2011, ZAB Zementanlagenbau GmbH Dessau, a subsidiary of KHD Humboldt Wedag GmbH, carried out a successful performance test of the rotary kiln plant that was recently constructed on a green field in Novotroizk/Russia, at the JUGPK Company.