LIMAK Bati Group selects KHD pyro-process technology for new 3,500 t/d kiln line at Trakya plant, in Turkey

LIMAK has, once again, shown confidence in KHD´s advanced technology, by placing an order for the engineering and equipment supply of its new 3,500 t/d clinker production line at the TRAKYA cement plant, located near the town of Pinarhisar, in the Thracian region of Turkey.

The contract with LIMAK Bati Group, awards KHD the order for engineering, equipment supply, and supervision of erection and commissioning, including on-site training.

The new kiln line will be erected near the existing 1,850 t/d line, which will also be upgraded by KHD in the beginning of 2014.

The core components of KHD’s new line are:

  • 4-stage KHD Preheater with PYROCLON®-R Low NOX calciner, equipped with PYROTOP® compact mixing chamber, tertiary air duct with dust settling chamber, and PYROBOX calciner firing system for coal dust.
  • PYRORAPID® two-tire rotary kiln, with a diameter of 4.4 m.
  • PYRO-JET® kiln burner for coal and fuel oil.
  • PYROFLOOR® clinker cooler equipped with a PYROCRUSHER® System.

The new calciner with PYROCLON®R will be KHD’s first Low-NOx calciner in Turkey. LIMAK Group will install their second PYROFLOOR® system, after the Sanliurfa plant, to this new plant in Trakya.

Commissioning of the plant is scheduled for the autumn of 2014.

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