Pyrorotor® continues its triumph in South Korea

In August 2022, KHD was able to secure yet another purchase order for its Pyrorotor® combustion reactor in South Korea. The Halla Cement Group awarded a supply and engineering contract to Humboldt Wedag GmbH for the modernization of kiln line 2 at Okke plant. This project marks the second Pyrorotor® installation at Halla’s Okke plant – the modernization of production line three at Okke plant is ongoing, erection and commissioning is scheduled for the first quarter of 2023 – and the ninth overall in South Korea.

Halla Cement keeps coming back to the Pyrorotor®

KHD will modernize production line two with a new Pyroclon® R calciner and a 4.2m x 15 m Pyrorotor® combustion reactor. The entire scope of the modernization project consists of the following equipment:

  • Pyroclon® R calciner with a Pyrotop® mixing chamber
  • 4.2 m x 15 m Pyrorotor® combustion reactor
  • Pyrobox® coal firing system for process start-up and operation balancing
  • Replacement of stage 5 cyclones with new high-efficiency cyclones
  • New kiln inlet chamber with orifice

Pyrorotor®, the best available technology to use low-quality alternative fuels that require almost no pre-processing, convinced Halla Cement Group to be the right product for their demands for the second time. Aside from the high thermal substitution rate of more than 85%, the modernization with KHD’s equipment also allows the reduction of NOX emissions so that Okke plant can meet the local emission limits.

The installation of the new Pyroclon® R calciner and the high-efficiency cyclones in the lowest preheater stages will also yield an additional efficiency increase due to an overall pressure drop reduction in the entire preheater. Erection and commissioning of the modernized production line are scheduled for the first quarter of 2024.

The ninth Pyrorotor® project in Korea further exemplifies the standing of KHD as market driver for highly reliable and future-proof pyroprocessing solutions. This project is a result of close cooperation between the process, planning and service departments of Humboldt Wedag GmbH.

You can download this sales news as PDF here.

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