Technology Summit 2016 in Turkey

Following KHD’s Technology Summit in Goa, India in April, this year’s second summit was successfully held in Antalya, Turkey. With 80 participants representing 67 cement companies across Turkey, Iran, Egypt and Angola, KHD has further underlined its presence in the EMEA markets.

During the two-day event, presentations and discussions centered around meeting new emission regulations, cost-efficient grinding technologies, and plant services in the EMEA cement industry. One of the event’s highlights was the presentation of KHD’s new Pyroredox product, and the pilot project with this new technology in Turkey. This showed that KHD can create special solutions for recent tighter environmental restrictions in these markets. Time was hardly sufficient for all the participants’ questions and comments and many productive discussions were held on the sidelines and during the networking event.

External participants were also invited to speak, including: Berkan Fidan, Denizli Cement in Turkey; Dr. Hakan Benzer, professor from Ankara’s Hacettepe University; Osman Öztürk, Production Manager for KCS; and Muzaffer Kayhan, CEO of YD Madencilik.

  • Berkan Fidan presented his company’s successful operation of their COMFLEX® cement grinding unit over the past seven years. Fidan’s message was very clear, “We reached 300% grinding capacity with 35% less specific energy consumption with KHD’s COMFLEX® system. Through such a performance, Denizli Cement can keep its position as one of the most energy-efficient cement plants”.
  • Dr. Hakan Benzer is well known in the Turkish cement industry for his expertise of grinding technologies, presented his new research results for grinding technologies. He optimized many plants with his simulation program, which measures roller press efficiency.
  • Osman Öztürk and Muzaffer Kayhan were part of podium discussions centered around customer’s experiences with KHD.
    KHD would like to thank everyone who participated in the Technology Summit and looks forward to seeing you at future KHD events!

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