Another KHD Roller Press Circuit in India

Star Cement Ltd. (SCL), a well-known cement manufacturer in North East India, with over 3.3 MTPA cement production capacity chose KHD to upgrade their existing 70 tph ball mill (3.6 m dia x 11.9 m) in Meghalaya. KHD will supply a Roller Press RP7-170/90 along with an SKS VC 3000 Separator, which will increase the grinding capacity of the current ball mill by more than 100% for a total guaranteed production capacity of 150 tph (PPC @ 3600 Blaine).

The upgraded circuit is to be commissioned by March 31, 2017 and offers the Star Cement an energy-efficient economical solution to more than double its grinding capacity.

In the 1980’s KHD made the commercial use of roller presses in cement possible and continues to be the market leader for roller press (HPGR) technology.

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