AVIC receives Letter of Award from Northern Region Cement Co.

  • AVIC will deliver a new 3500 tpd production line on EPC basis.
  • The client, Northern Region Cement Co., is one of the leading cement manufacturers in the Middle East

AVIC has received a Letter of Award regarding engineering, equipment supply, construction, commissioning and site services for a cement plant on EPC basis from Northen Region Cement Co., Saudi Arabia – one of the leading cement manufacturers in Saudi Arabia, with additional operations in Iraq, Jordan and Syria.

Together with AVIC, Humboldt Wedag GmbH (“HWG”), a subsidiary of KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG, has co-signed the Letter of Award. It is foreseen that HWG will negotiate about an EP contract regarding the design and delivery of several important key components as sub-supplier to AVIC.

In addition, HWG has entered into a technical agreement with Northen Region Cement Co. to enhance their strategic and synergetic collaboration further.

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