2 Modernization Projects Currently Underway for KHD and HeidelbergCement in Germany

KHD’s 2 modernization projects for HeidelbergCement’s plant in Lengfurt, Germany are currently underway. These projects include the modernization of Raw Meal Grinding Unit with KHD SKS VC 3000 dynamic separator, and the modernization of an existing preheater with KHD’s new PH5835 cyclones. KHD’s responsibility includes manufacturing, erection and commissioning for both projects.

More Good News from KHD in Turkey

KHD’s activity in the Turkish market is continuing to produce positive results, with an order for a new 3,500 t/d clinker production line at the Bolu Cimento’s Kazan plant and successfully completed recent performance test for KCS Kahramanmaras Cimento’s Maras Kiln Line II.

KHD to Supply New Clinker Production Lines for Lafarge Exshaw and Ravena Plants

KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG’s US-based office, Humboldt Wedag, Inc., is executing two orders with Lafarge North America Inc. and Lafarge Canada Inc. (Lafarge) for engineering, delivery of equipment, and site services of new clinker production lines at their Exshaw and Ravena plants. KHD’s scope of supply for the projects begins with the raw material feed and ends at clinker handling.

KHD books major contract in Russia

“Volskcement” OJSC Russia (Holcim Group) has placed an order with Zementanlagenbau GmbH Dessau (ZAB), a subsidiary of KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG (KHD), to construct a production line in the Volsk cement factory. The scope of the contract, with an order value of over € 77 million, comprises engineering and the delivery of equipment. The project is scheduled to run until the end of 2016.

KHD Wins Bid to Modify Existing Production Line at Holcim’s Hagerstown, MD Plant

KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG’s Americas Customer Service Center based in Atlanta, Humboldt Wedag, Inc, recently signed a contract with Holcim (US) Inc. for engineering, delivery of equipment, and site services to modify the existing production line at its Hagerstown, MD plant. The contract, which includes a KHD designed PyroProcessing System, will increase the line’s production rate to 2,400tpd and be compliant with the new NESHAP environmental regulations.

KHD solidifies its leading position in Turkish Market with the new COMFLEX® order from Batısöke

The BATI ANADOLU GROUP, Batısöke Söke Çimento Sanayi T.A.Ş., awarded KHD Humboldt Wedag a contract for engineering and delivery of equipment to increase its cement grinding capacity at its plant in western Turkey.

LIMAK Bati Group selects KHD pyro-process technology for new 3,500 t/d kiln line at Trakya plant, in Turkey

LIMAK has, once again, shown confidence in KHD´s advanced technology, by placing an order for the engineering and equipment supply of its new 3,500 t/d clinker production line at the TRAKYA cement plant, located near the town of Pinarhisar, in the Thracian region of Turkey.

KHD Wins SAP Quality Award 2012

Underlining KHD’s commitment to operational excellence, the company received recognition at SAP’s SAPPHIRE NOW event on November 14, in Madrid, Spain. KHD’s recently completed SAP project, called K1 logistics, received a gold medal in the 2012 SAP Quality Awards.

KHD and AVIC Win First Joint Project in Turkey

SÖNMEZ Cimento demonstrated their confidence in KHD´s advanced technology and their strategic partnership with AVIC, by placing an order with AVIC International for its new 5,000 tpd clinker production line. KHD and AVIC collaborate to offer select, competitive solutions for the cement industry by combining the strengths of KHD’s technology, with AVIC’s construction experience and competitive cost platform.

KHD Wins New Contract in Turkey: Limak Bati Group Expands Trakya Kiln Line I to 2,500 tpd

Humboldt Wedag, Germany, a member of KHD-Group, signed a contract with the Limak Bati Group, in Turkey, to supply engineering and equipment for a kiln line capacity increase from 1,820 tpd to 2,500 tpd of clinker, at their Trakya cement plant.