KHD further solidifies its leading position in the Turkish cement market

For YD Madencilik’s (Üstyapi Insaat Group) new greenfield plant in Düzce, KHD has been selected to provide its state-of-the-art pyro-processing technology.

Humboldt Wedag GmbH further increases field service staff in Turkey

Humboldt Wedag GmbH has taken steps to increase their field service force for the Turkish and international market. Additional well-trained and experienced staff shall join the Istanbul branch shortly to further improve KHD’s customer orientation and service offering.

Holcim Argentina, a member of LafargeHolcim, selects KHD as the supplier for the modernization project of its Clinker Production Line at Malagueño, Córdoba, Argentina

Holcim Argentina awarded Humboldt Wedag GmbH a supply contract for the revamping of its Malagueño clinker production line located close to Córdoba, Argentina. Holcim Argentina will recommission its mothballed production line of 1650 tpd, which originally was supplied by Humboldt Wedag in the early 1980s. The additional plant capacity will strengthen Holcim Argentina´s position in the growing Argentinian cement market.

KHD to install world’s first PYROROTOR® Calciner Technology for high flexible alternative fuel burning in Austria

Cologne based Humboldt Wedag GmbH has been awarded an EPC contract by Rohrdorfer Cement Group for the kiln line modernization at its cement plant operations in Gmunden, Austria. The kiln modification will enable the very flexible usage of a wide range of waste fractionally pre-treated derived fuels on a high substitution rate.

SOMA Cimento selects KHD pyro-process technology for the new 4,000 t/d kiln line at their new cement plant in Manisa, Turkey

SOMA Cimento demonstrated their confidence in KHD´s advanced technology, by placing an order for the engineering and equipment supply of its new 4,000 t/d clinker production line at SOMA cement plant, located near the town of Soma, Manisa in the Aegean region of Turkey.

KHD wins largest upgrade project in Turkey

KHD has been awarded the contract to upgrade NUH Cimento’s existing ball mill grinding unit in Hereke-Kocaeli located in Marmara region of Turkey. With this upgrade, the plant will increase the grinding capacity from 212 tph to 408 tph @ 4.000 Blaine. This will be the largest upgrade project to date for KHD.

KHD Provides Semi-wet Process Operation Training Classes Using SIMULEX Technology

Recently, KHD provided a six-day semi-wet process operation training class to LafargeHolcim’s Volsk plant personnel at the Technological State University of Belgorod in Russia (Belgorod University).

Guinee Industries Ciments selects KHD’s COMFLEX® technology for upgrade of their existing cement grinding unit at Conakry Cement Plant in Guinee-Africa

Guinee Industries Ciments (GIC) awarded KHD Humboldt Wedag a new contract to upgrade its cement grinding plant located in the capital city Conakry, Guinee. GIC will integrate a COMFLEX® system into their existing ball mills. The system will mark the third COMFLEX® system with roller press technology in West Africa.

Technology Summit 2016 in Turkey

Following KHD’s Technology Summit in Goa, India in April, this year’s second summit was successfully held in Antalya, Turkey. With 80 participants representing 67 cement companies across Turkey, Iran, Egypt and Angola, KHD has further underlined its presence in the EMEA markets.

KHD to Install World’s First PYROCLON® Redox Calciner Technology

KHD has been awarded a contract with ASKALE Cimento to install the first ever PYROCLON® Redox Calciner and Burner at their Van plant in the East Anatolian region of Turkey. The technology is designed to allow plants to decrease their NOx emission and stay within the new limits without using secondary measures such as SNCR or SCR, making it the cleanest calciner technology in the world.