Change of KHD’s Chairman of the Management Board

Cologne, Germany, September 18, 2020 – Today the Supervisory Board of KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG (KHD), Cologne, informed KHD’s Management Board that Mr. Yizhen Zhu will resign from his office as CEO and member of the Management Board for personal reasons with effect as of September 30, 2020. The Supervisory Board and Management Board express their special thanks to Yizhen Zhu, who has steered KHD through challenging times, lead the successful reorganization and laid the foundation of KHD Group’s future success.

By resolution passed by the Supervisory Board today, Mr. Jianlong Shen was appointed as Chairman of the Management Board (CEO) from October 1, 2020, until September 30, 2023.

Additional Information

ISIN: DE0006578008
Securities identification number (WKN): 657800
Market segment: Regulated Market (General Standard) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG
Colonia-Allee 3
51067 Cologne, Germany


KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG
Jürgen Luckas
Chief Financial Officer

Tel.: +49 (0)221 – 6504-1107

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