KHD Leads Decarbonization in the Cement Industry: Contract Signing for the Planning of the new Oxyfuel Kiln Line in Heidelberg Materials’ GeZero CCS Project


  • As part of the plant planning, KHD will be carrying out a FEED (Front-End Engineering Design) study for the new oxyfuel kiln at Heidelberg Materials’ Geseke cement plant in Germany.
  • This contract is part of the planning phase of Heidelberg Materials’ GeZero CCS project, which aims to capture over 700.000 tonnes of CO2 per year.
  • Oxyfuel technology is a key enabler for carbon capture in the cement industry.

The KHD Group and Heidelberg Materials have signed a FEED contract to develop the planning of the new oxyfuel kiln at Heidelberg Materials’ plant in Geseke, Germany. The FEED study for the kiln represents an important part of the overall planning of the project. The oxyfuel kiln is a central component of the GeZero project. With GeZero, Heidelberg Materials intends to transform its existing Geseke plant to become Germany’s first inland cement plant with a large-scale CCS solution.

The oxyfuel process plays a vital role in scalable carbon capture for the cement industry. By replacing ambient air with recycled preheater off-gas and injecting pure oxygen, this technology creates an oxygen-rich, low-nitrogen combustion environment that concentrates CO2 in the exhaust gas. This process can achieve CO2 concentrations of 70% to 85%, facilitating easier and more economical capture.

Supported by the EU Innovation Fund, GeZero aims to capture around 0.7 million tonnes of CO2 per year, which will be purified and liquefied on-site before transport to the North Sea for permanent geological storage.

“We are thrilled to contribute to this groundbreaking project,” said Matthias Mersmann, Chief Technology Officer at KHD. “At KHD, we have long recognized oxyfuel technology’s potential for cement decarbonization and are well-positioned to contribute to this important flagship project. Providing the FEED contract for the new oxyfuel kiln is a crucial early phase, establishing a strong foundation for the successful realization of this landmark project.”

Dr. Thomas Krüger, Project Director GeZero at Heidelberg Materials: “GeZero is a crucial project for us. It has the potential to transform the German cement industry and make a decisive contribution on our global path to Net Zero. We are pleased to partner with KHD , who not only recognizes the relevance of this initiative but  plays a key role in the success of the project through their expertise.”

The plant planning is expected to be completed by the end of 2025, with construction scheduled to start in 2026.

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