More than 35% reduced energy demand for raw material grinding! KHD Humboldt Wedag hands over a new Comflex® grinding plant in Thailand.

For SCCC (Siam City Cement Public Co., Ltd.) from Thailand, KHD Humboldt Wedag engineered and commissioned a new roller press-based raw meal grinding plant at SCCC’s factory 1 located in the Saraburi province.

With the new Comflex grinding unit, the client is able to replace two outdated ball mill circuits. The new roller press-based circuit achieves the same production of 350t/h, but with a much less energy-demanding equipment setup. During the successful extended 72-hour performance test at the beginning of 2020, the new grinding unit met all targets regarding performance and product quality.

The Comflex circuit comprises of the following proprietary KHD equipment:

  • Roller press RP M 18 – 200 / 180
  • Static coarse material separator VS 620
  • Static fine material separator LS 8600
  • System fan HKSK 236 / 346
  • Four product separation cyclones

The client SCCC appointed KHD with the contract because of the significantly reduced electrical energy demand of the main equipment. With a specific energy consumption of 13.36 kWh/t, the new roller press-based grinding circuit saves more than 8 kWh per ton compared to the old ball mill circuits. SCCC is now able to save almost 40% of energy while maintaining the same production volume. This converts to a reduction of annual energy costs of approximately 1.5 million Euros; a number that clearly indicates the significant return on investment of such a modernization project.

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