AVIC & KHD win next NOx-reducing modification in China

On October 9 AVIC INTL Beijing, thanks to joint effort of AVIC and KHD, successfully signed an EPC contract with China United Cement Baoding Co. Ltd, for another NOx-reducing modification of a 5000tpd clinker production line in China.

AVIC INTL Beijing will serve as EPC contractor while KHD supplies Pyroredox as the core technological solution.

This project is the 13th production line in China that implements KHD’s Pyroredox gasifying reactor to achieve sustainable NOx emission reduction. The plant modification designed to achieve an average NOx emission below 50mg/m3 per hour, a total added ammonia consumption of less than 3.5kg/ton of clinker, and an ammonia slip of less than 5mg/m3.

The client, China United Cement Baoding Co. Ltd is wholly owned by China United Cement Corporation (CUCC), which is a core member of China National Building Material Group (CNBM). CUCC currently has more than 100 cement plants around China, with cement production capacity of 120 million tons per year. Due to the continuously increasing demand of cement plants, especially in China, for environmentally friendly solutions, KHD is very confident to be able to further extend its footprint of its state-of-the-art emissions reduction technology Pyroredox in the coming years.

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