KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG: Supervisory Board member appointed
Cologne, March 24, 2011 – Contrary to the procedure described on page 151 of the securities prospectus of December 29, 2010, new major shareholder Max Glory Industries Limited (“Max Glory”) has not appointed a Supervisory Board member following the capital increase for KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG (“KHD”). The resignation of Supervisory Board Chairman Gerhard Beinhauer as of the conclusion of the capital increase resulted in a shortfall in appointments to Supervisory Board. On the basis of a court appointment of March 23, 2011, Gerhard Beinhauer was appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board of KHD, and was also re-elected Supervisory Board Chairman as the result of a resolution passed by the Supervisory Board on March 23, 2011.
Additional Information
ISIN: DE0006578008
Securities identification number (WKN): 657800
Market segment: Regulated Market (General Standard) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange
KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG
Colonia-Allee 3
51067 Cologne, Germany
cometis AG
Ulrich Wiehle / Susanne Gremmler
Tel.: +49 (0)611 – 205855-23
Fax: +49 (0)611 – 205855-66