Major E&I order from My Home Cement

My Home Cement, one of the major cement manufacturers in India, recently awarded the complete E&I package for their new cement unit IV (limestone crusher to clinker grinding) to Humboldt Wedag India Pvt. Ldt. (HWI), a subsidiary of KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG. The contract includes all steps from design, to engineering, supply, installation and commissioning.

HWI won this order against a variety of major OEM for E&I equipment. My Home Cement chose HWI due to their proven project execution capabilities and cement production know-how. Both factors ensure the best possible integration of all equipment and systems while having a single point of contact and responsibility.

The trend in the Indian cement industry is to award EP projects including the E&I package to one company to enable the best project execution and plant performance after erection and commissioning. Thanks to a number of successful executions of projects with full mechanical and electrical components, HWI is a preferred partner for the Indian cement industry.

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