Supervisory Board appoints Yizhen “Mario” Zhu as third Management Board member of KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG

Cologne, March 29, 2011 – The Supervisory Board of KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG (“KHD”) has appointed Yizhen “Mario” Zhu (39) to be the company’s third Management Board member. As COO Asia Pacific, Yizhen “Mario” Zhu will take on the future responsibility for the integration of KHD technology, products and services into international EPC (turnkey plant) projects, as well as for the expansion of KHD Group’s business activities in China, and in the entire Asia-Pacific region. Before moving to KHD, Mr. Zhu led the cement division (CATIC Cement Tech) of CATIC Beijing Co. Ltd. as Assistant President since 2008.

The areas of responsibility of the two Management Board members Jouni Salo (CEO) and Manfred Weinandy (CFO) are unaffected by Yizhen “Mario” Zhu’s appointment. The Supervisory Board has appointed Yizhen “Mario” Zhu to the Management Board for a three- year period of office

Additional Information

ISIN: DE0006578008
Securities identification number (WKN): 657800
Market segment: Regulated Market (General Standard) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG
Colonia-Allee 3
51067 Cologne, Germany


cometis AG
Ulrich Wiehle / Susanne Gremmler

Tel.: +49 (0)611 – 205855-23
Fax: +49 (0)611 – 205855-66

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