KHD at Cemtech Europe in Spain

This week the European conference on ‘Decarbonization of the cement industry’ took place in Barcelona. Leading cement manufacturers and equipment suppliers discussed the industry’s ambitions to deliver sustainable, low-carbon cement while navigating the major economic forces impacting current businesses. 

Meeting customers face-to-face again

After two years of Corona, this was the first “in-person” conference of this kind and a great success. In interesting presentations and heated debates, participants were able to exchange best practices and discuss the newest technologies and latest developments on this topic. Further, the leading equipment suppliers showcased their latest solutions and products at the exhibition site.

KHD contributed to the conference via a presentation held by our CTO Matthias Mersmann and a booth at the exhibition. The lively discussion after Matthias’ presentation and interested customers at the booth showed that KHD’s technology will play an essential role in the step towards CO2 neutrality. In particular, for the combustion of alternative fuels, the Pyrorotor® was a frequently requested product, but also newly developed solutions like the Clay Calciner and KHD’s ProMax® Suite were discussed with interested visitors, which demonstrates the high relevance of these products for the future of our industry. 

Related topics

KHD Annual General Meeting set for October 5th

As previously announced, KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG (KHD) will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Cologne on October 5th. On August 20th, the KHD supervisory board approved the AGM agenda, which was published today (convening notice incl. agenda). During the same meeting the supervisory board decided to re-activate the search for a CFO.

New project in Turkey

As already reported in the media, KHD partner AVIC has signed an agreement with Sonmez Holding for a new project in Adana, Turkey. KHD is the preferred partner for pyro-processing equipment, which , when ordered, will have a value in the single digit millions (EUR).

All objectives achieved

In December 2011, ZAB Zementanlagenbau GmbH Dessau, a subsidiary of KHD Humboldt Wedag GmbH, carried out a successful performance test of the rotary kiln plant that was recently constructed on a green field in Novotroizk/Russia, at the JUGPK Company.

KHD wins ‘Most innovative technology for alternative fuels use’

At the 6th Global CemFuels Conference in Aachen, Germany, KHD’s Combustion Chamber won the award for ‘Most innovative technology for alternative fuels use’. The awards were given based on the results of an online survey that prompted hundreds of votes, cast by cement industry professionals from 22 countries around the world. Also awarded at the event was KHD customer Continental Cement, of Hannibal, Missouri, for ‘Outstanding Alternative Fuel Project’.

KHD and AVIC Partnership Announce First Joint Project

After successful completion of more than 16 pyroprocess optimization projects, Hongshi Group Co. Ltd., one of the biggest cement manufacturers in China, has awarded KHD (Humboldt Wedag India in collaboration with AVIC) with another pyroprocess upgradation contract for their Lanzhou plant in the Gansu Province.