KHD at Cemtech Europe in Spain

This week the European conference on ‘Decarbonization of the cement industry’ took place in Barcelona. Leading cement manufacturers and equipment suppliers discussed the industry’s ambitions to deliver sustainable, low-carbon cement while navigating the major economic forces impacting current businesses. 

Meeting customers face-to-face again

After two years of Corona, this was the first “in-person” conference of this kind and a great success. In interesting presentations and heated debates, participants were able to exchange best practices and discuss the newest technologies and latest developments on this topic. Further, the leading equipment suppliers showcased their latest solutions and products at the exhibition site.

KHD contributed to the conference via a presentation held by our CTO Matthias Mersmann and a booth at the exhibition. The lively discussion after Matthias’ presentation and interested customers at the booth showed that KHD’s technology will play an essential role in the step towards CO2 neutrality. In particular, for the combustion of alternative fuels, the Pyrorotor® was a frequently requested product, but also newly developed solutions like the Clay Calciner and KHD’s ProMax® Suite were discussed with interested visitors, which demonstrates the high relevance of these products for the future of our industry. 

Related topics

Anhui Panjing Cement repeats order for a production line optimization

KHD (Humboldt Wedag India in collaboration with AVIC) has received another pyroprocess modification order from Anhui Panjing Cement Limited Company. The follow-up project is the result of the successful finalization of another successful pyroprocess upgradation project in 2020/2021.

AVIC & KHD win next NOx-reducing modification in China

On October 9 AVIC INTL Beijing, thanks to joint effort of AVIC and KHD, successfully signed an EPC contract with China United Cement Baoding Co. Ltd, for another NOx-reducing modification of a 5000tpd clinker production line in China.

New contracts with UTCL

On February 11, 2021, UltraTech Cement Ltd. (UTCL), the third largest cement producer in the world and the largest manufacturer of grey cement, ready mix concrete (RMC) and white cement in India, signalled continuous trust in KHD technology by signing contracts for various clinkerization and grinding circuits for more than Euro 30 million with Humboldt Wedag India Private Limited (HW India).

More than 35% reduced energy demand for raw material grinding! KHD Humboldt Wedag hands over a new Comflex® grinding plant in Thailand.

For SCCC (Siam City Cement Public Co., Ltd.) from Thailand, KHD Humboldt Wedag engineered and commissioned a new roller press-based raw meal grinding plant at SCCC’s factory 1 located in the Saraburi province.

KHD strengthens Management Board

Effective from 1st of February, 2020, Matthias Mersmann has been appointed by the Supervisory Board as a new member of the Management Board of KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG. He contributes his long-term expertise in the technology of cement manufacturing processes and equipment design which he has acquired in various executive positions with OEM suppliers as well as independent consultant.