KHD Humboldt Wedag
International AG
Von-der-Wettern-Straße 4a
51149 Cologne
Installed between the kiln inlet chamber and calciner, the Pyroredox® separates reactions that usually happen together in the calciner. In doing so, it controls the formation of chemical compounds at specific points in the pyroprocess so as to influence subsequent reactions.
How does it do this? First, we feed in kiln exhaust gases, which have very low oxygen content. The resulting atmosphere contains insufficient oxygen for complete combustion of the fuel. A sub-stoichiometric combustion reaction therefore takes place, creating CO-rich conditions inside the Pyroredox® loop.
The second essential step is to extend fuel residency time – by about four seconds – in the CO-rich atmosphere of the Pyroredox®. This allows the CO to react with the NOX in the kiln exhaust gases and reduce them to CO2 and harmless N2 nitrogen.
After the kiln exhaust gases have been reduced, the remaining lean gas is fed into the calciner, where oxygen-rich tertiary air and raw meal are added. At this point, classic oxidation of the lean gas and tertiary air takes place in an exothermic reaction that ensures thorough calcination of the raw meal.
It might sound complicated. But it boils down to one simple fact: a significant, permanent reduction in your NOX emissions. But when it comes to the details, our process experts will ensure that your Pyroredox® reactor is designed to achieve the highest possible NOX reduction potential for your specific process conditions.
It is all possible thanks to our profound process knowledge and experience, built up over generations here at KHD. So whatever the particular make-up of your kiln exhaust gases, fuels and raw meal, we will find the best Pyroredox® concept to ensure controllable and repeatable NOX emissions reduction.
We are sure this is obvious by now. The Pyroredox® reactor significantly and permanently lowers NOX emissions. But stay with us and let us put some numbers on this. As a stand-alone solution, Pyroredox® achieves emissions levels below 200 mg/Nm3. In combination with SNCR, emissions of <50 mg/Nm3 are easily achievable.
The NOX reduction potential of Pyroredox® plus SNCR is therefore in-line with SCR systems – but at a much lower cost. The Pyroredox® itself is a one-time investment that does not increase OPEX. And it lowers reagent costs in combined Pyroredox®-SNCR systems compared to stand-alone SNCR/SCR systems.
At one 5,500 tpd plant in China, for example, a Pyroredox® reactor with existing SNCR system reduced NOX emissions by 66 % to 50 mg/Nm3 (and 35 mg/Nm3 in an optimized fuel scenario). Ammonia reagent consumption fell by an even higher 78 % to just 400 l/h.
You can retrofit a Pyroredox® reactor to any existing plant without impacting production. Erection takes between 16 and 30 weeks and can be done while the plant continues to operate. Commissioning and final process implementation takes between two and four weeks and can be done during regular maintenance shutdown.
Still wondering if it will work for you? Let us summarize. The Pyroredox® works with all typical calciner fuels, even low-volatile alternative fuels. It has no impact on production quality or capacity, power demand or fuel consumption. Nor (as we have said before) does it raise OPEX.
Finally, depending on your local regulations, it can remove the need for investment in secondary measures – or make such solutions cheaper to implement. Which means you can meet environmental and social-licence-to-operate concerns confidently and cost-effectively. That is a lot of good things for a single one-off investment.
Pyroredox® loop
Pyroclon loop
Year | Customer | Country | Size | Production (tpd) – Before conversion | Production (tpd) – After conversion* | Preheater OEM |
2022 | Shanxi Beiyuan Line 2 | China | 4,3 x 66 | 3675 | 3975 | Other supplier |
2021 | Baoding CUCC | China | 5,0 x 74 | 6150 | 6400 | Other supplier |
2020 | Tengyue Tongli | China | 4,8 x 72 | 6000 | 6300 | Other supplier |
2020 | Shanxi Xinyuan | China | 4,3 x 64 | 3850 | 4400 | Other supplier |
2020 | Jinrong 2 | China | 4,8 x 74 | 6600 | 6800 | Other supplier |
2020 | Jinrong 1 | China | 4,8 x 74 | 6650 | 6850 | Other supplier |
2020 | BBMG Dingxin | China | 4,8 x 72 | 5700 | 5800 | Other supplier |
2020 | Yuzhou Hubo Line 2 | China | 5,5 x 78 | 8070 | 8500 | Other supplier |
2020 | Yuzhou Hubo Line 1 | China | 4,8 x 70 | 6400 | 6500 | Other supplier |
2019 | Satguru Cement | India | 3,4 x 54 | – | 2200 | Humboldt preheater |
2019 | Guangshan Tianrui | China | 4,8 x 72 | 6000 | 6300 | Other supplier |
2019 | Henan Yongan | China | 4,8 x 72 | 5700 | 6100 | Other supplier |
2019 | Zhengzhou Tianrui | China | 6,2 x 92 | 12000 | 12000 | Other supplier |
Links & Downloads | |
Article in World Cement (Mar 2020) – Pyro ProgressingArticle |