Hongshi Group orders next pyroprocess modification for increased efficiency

After successful completion of more than 16 pyroprocess optimization projects, Hongshi Group Co. Ltd., one of the biggest cement manufacturers in China, has awarded KHD (Humboldt Wedag India in collaboration with AVIC) with another pyroprocess upgradation contract for their Lanzhou plant in the Gansu Province.

Anhui Panjing Cement repeats order for a production line optimization

KHD (Humboldt Wedag India in collaboration with AVIC) has received another pyroprocess modification order from Anhui Panjing Cement Limited Company. The follow-up project is the result of the successful finalization of another successful pyroprocess upgradation project in 2020/2021.

AVIC & KHD win next NOx-reducing modification in China

On October 9 AVIC INTL Beijing, thanks to joint effort of AVIC and KHD, successfully signed an EPC contract with China United Cement Baoding Co. Ltd, for another NOx-reducing modification of a 5000tpd clinker production line in China.

New contracts with UTCL

On February 11, 2021, UltraTech Cement Ltd. (UTCL), the third largest cement producer in the world and the largest manufacturer of grey cement, ready mix concrete (RMC) and white cement in India, signalled continuous trust in KHD technology by signing contracts for various clinkerization and grinding circuits for more than Euro 30 million with Humboldt Wedag India Private Limited (HW India).

More than 35% reduced energy demand for raw material grinding! KHD Humboldt Wedag hands over a new Comflex® grinding plant in Thailand.

For SCCC (Siam City Cement Public Co., Ltd.) from Thailand, KHD Humboldt Wedag engineered and commissioned a new roller press-based raw meal grinding plant at SCCC’s factory 1 located in the Saraburi province.

KHD strengthens Management Board

Effective from 1st of February, 2020, Matthias Mersmann has been appointed by the Supervisory Board as a new member of the Management Board of KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG. He contributes his long-term expertise in the technology of cement manufacturing processes and equipment design which he has acquired in various executive positions with OEM suppliers as well as independent consultant.

KHD signs next Pyrorotor contract in South Korea

Asia Cement Company Ltd (Korea) awarded Humboldt Wedag GmbH, a subsidiary of KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG, with a supply and engineering contract for the modernization of its 3rd clinker production line located close to Jecheon-si, Korea. The target of the upgrade project is to increase the alternative fuel substitution rate to above 85% of calciner fuel, as well as the reduction of NOx to satisfy local emission limits.

KHD to upgrade the raw material grinding unit of thomas zement in Erwitte, Germany

thomas zement recently awarded Humboldt Wedag GmbH (KHD) a brown field EPC contract for upgrading its raw material grinding plant in Erwitte, Germany.

New Chairman of KHD’s Supervisory Board

At its meeting today the Supervisory Board of KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG (KHD), Cologne, has elected Mr. Shaohua Jin as the new Chairman. Mr. Jin was appointed as member of the Supervisory Board on Friday by resolution of the District Court of Cologne replacing Mr. Da Hua, who previously resigned from the Supervisory Board. The previous Chairman, Gerhard Beinhauer, will continue to serve as Vice Chairman of KHD’s Supervisory Board.

KHD adjusts forecasted result

KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG (KHD), Cologne, adjusts the forecast for its adjusted earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) for the 2018 financial year as part of the updating of the annual planning. Due to cost overruns in project execution, the adjusted EBIT is now expected to be at about the same level as in the previous year.